Community shares are a way for community groups to raise money. By buying shares and becoming part-owners of a business, local people can become supporters, volunteers and advocates for the business. If an enterprise is working for the good of your local area, investment from local people can be invaluable.
We want as many people as possible to join NLCE which is why the minimum investment is £50. Every member, no matter how much they have contributed, has an equal vote in the running of the society. The maximum investment is £30,000. In the event that the share offer is oversubscribed the board may choose to reduce the holding of the largest shareholders, as we want as many people to be involved as possible.
By becoming a member of NLCE your money will go towards supporting the roll out of rooftop solar panels on schools and community buildings across North Lincolnshire. You will directly be supporting North Lincolnshire become a cleaner and greener area and will be supporting the switch to local renewable energy.
It is expected that members should receive interest on their investment at an annual rate of 5% from the financial year starting on 1 April 2024. Investments made on or prior to 15th October 2023 are expected to receive interest of 2.5% for the period from the date of investment to 31st March 2024.
Shares are withdrawable at the discretion of the NLCE board. In previous share offers, ad-hoc requests have been submitted and considered based on the available cash flow to the community energy society at that time.
This share offer is a long-term investment in shares to deliver environmental, educational and social impacts as well as a financial return. As with any investment there are risks. Your capital is at risk and may not be readily realisable. Returns are projected and variable, depending on the performance
of the project, and are not guaranteed. Your investment is not covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme or the Financial Ombudsman Service, or any deposit protection or dispute resolution scheme, because they do not apply to share offers of non-transferable shares made by community benefit societies. Consider all risks before investing and read the offer documents.
NLCE is one of 33 co-operatives supported and assisted by Energy4All who work with communities to develop innovative renewable energy projects, and then helps to raise the funds for those projects. Over £85 million has been raised by Energy4All’s community-owned renewable energy generation co-operatives in locations throughout the UK.
You can download a copy of the Share Offer document or apply online at www.energy4all.co.uk/nlce-share- offer