We generated more than 1,400 MWh of electricity, and saved schools in North Lincolnshire over £190,000 in electricity costs, between January 2023 and September 2024. Now we want more local people to join us. Click 'Register Interest' to be notified when the Share Offer is launched: NLCE expects to pay interest to members at 5%.
Bringing people together to create an affordable, zero-carbon energy system
North Lincolnshire Community Energy (NLCE) is a social enterprise launched in 2023 which puts the local community at the heart of the drive to increase the amount of clean renewable energy generated in our region. We bring local people and organisations together so they can make a real contribution to tackling climate change.
Our directors include local people. Although independent of the North Lincolnshire Council we work closely with the Council and in the last year we have already installed solar panels on 18 buildings including 12 schools and colleges, The Bath Halls and Scunthorpe United Football Club. We have more projects in the pipeline and will be issuing our new share offer shortly. If you are interested in finding out more register your details here.