Over half way there!


North Lincolnshire Community Energy (NLCE) are now more than HALF WAY to our goal of raising £700,000 in community shares to deliver more solar panels on community buildings in Scunthorpe and the surrounding area. An incredible £451,668 has been paid or pledged so far.

Ruby Berridge, the co-op's Community Engagement Coordinator, has been busy attending events including the co-ops Share Offer launch at the Attis Arena, an 'Inspiring Co-operative Growth' event organised by Grimsby Community Energy in Cleethorpes, and an online Q&A session for interested residents and potential members.

Construction is going ahead on two sites (using funds already secured), Lindsey Lodge Hospice and Healthcare and Kingfisher Lodge Children's Home. The installations are free for both of these sites, and they will benefit from cheaper electricity costs.

NLCE is currently on the lookout for additional directors to become part of the cooperative. Directors steer the cooperative, making sure it best serves the community that we work with. Click 'Contact Us' at the bottom of this page and let us know if you are interested and want to know more at this exciting time.

Share Offer 2 Launch Attis Arena
Directors Wanted
Kingfisher Lodge

The NLCE share offer launch at the Attis Arena, coop looking for directors, and part of the new solar PV installation at Kingfisher Lodge