Join North Lincolnshire Community Energy!

Our Community Share Offer has now closed.  If you would like to be informed when our next share offer opens, please join our mailing list below.

When you apply for Shares in North Lincolnshire Community Energy Society Limited you become part of a plan to:

  • Help schools manage their energy bills
  • Create more homegrown energy
  • Reduce carbon
  • Increase economic activity in your local area.

NLCE is a society for the benefit of the community that will create and manage community energy projects across North Lincolnshire (community energy refers to the delivery of renewable energy, energy demand reduction and energy supply projects led by communities).  NLCE will be wholly owned by its members who invest in the share offer and will be led by a board of directors, a majority of whom are local residents of North Lincolnshire.

We are working towards 30 schools and other community sites in the Scunthorpe area, with a view to extending into the wider North Lincolnshire area later on.  The electricity is sold to each host building at a saving on the price they are currently paying. The Society is working in partnership with North Lincolnshire Council and is installing renewable energy on sites where it can have a positive impact on energy consumption.

North Lincolnshire Council has successfully bid for funding for Scunthorpe from the Towns Fund and has allocated £1.4 million of the grant received to support the delivery of solar arrays on Scunthorpe schools, delivering clean growth and carbon reduction in North Lincolnshire and major financial savings for schools.

NLCE is supported and assisted by Energy4All Limited. NLCE is one of the family of thirty three community energy co-operatives that come together as Energy4All, demonstrating the power of co-operation in the renewables sector.

Bottesford Juniors - Solar Roadshow
St Hugh's 2